
Day 15: Diversity - Kingston, ON - Toronto, ON

We left for Toronto early in the morning. Our plan to stay in Toronto was just one day so we started looking around downtown as soon as we arrived in Toronto.Kumi is so passinate about checking as many places as possible so you can probably guess how our day was. We purchased one day TTC pass and went one sightseeing spot to another. The languages we heard and people we saw on the street were quite a few and different. What a multi-nationality city Toronto is!

  • When: October 11th (Mon)
  • Where: Kingston, ON - Toronto, ON
  • Accommodation: Guest House, 30 - 40 min by subway from downtown + 15 min on foot (Found on kijiji.com)
  • Total km - 251.1km
  • Grand Total km - 6,818.6km
1. Ontario Legislative Building - http://www.ontla.on.ca/web/home.do
This was the 5th legislative building we saw during our trip after BC, SK, MB and QC. Kumi has been achieving her mission nicely.

2. Toronto Island - http://www.toronto.ca/parks/island/
We decided to go to the island instead of going up the CN tower. (CN tower is overpriced we think.) The view from the island is so popular and used in many post cards etc. The ride was just 10 min and the island was so quiet because it was a thanksgiving day!. We enjoyed the view and took good pictures from there!

3. Kensington Market (http://www.kensington-market.ca/Default.asp?id=1&l=1) & Ethnic Town -
Kensington market was so colorful and was fun to just walk around. There are about 10 -15 shops that sell used clothes there.

After walking around the market, we started checking ethnic towns. First we checked China town and then Korea town. We had dinner at a restaurant in Korea town. That was so good!

4. Other sightseeing spots -
University of Toronto, City Hall, Bay Street (Canada version of Wall Street)

  • 日程:2010年10月11日(月・祝)
  • 旅程:オンタリオ州のキングストンからトロントまで
  • 宿泊:Kijiji.comで見つけたトロント郊外のゲストハウス
  • 今日のドライブ - 251.1km
  • 今までのドライブ - 6,818.6km
1. オンタリオ州議事堂




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