
Day 24: Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Rapid City, SD - Cody, WY

We said good bye to SD and hello to WY. We have already passed/driven 8 states(NY, MI,IN,IL,WI,MI,SD,WY) since last Wednesday.

1. Devils Tower - http://www.nps.gov/deto/
If you have seen the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", you must have seen this big monument. First National Monument of the US - Devils Tower. We saw this from far far away (probably 15 miles away or so) because it was just so massive. When we got there, we decided to take 2km walk around Devils Tower. It was up and down but nice. We saw some climbers who were walking toward the bottom of Devils Tower. Yes, they were going to climb it up. Although rocks have never fallen apart since early 20th, we did not think that it would be safe to do. Simply not for us. When we left Devils Tower, we again saw "a town" of prairie dogs. They were even friendlier than the ones at Badlands. So adorable!
  • 日程:2010年10月20日(水)
  • 旅程:サウスダコタ州のラピッドフォールズからワイオミング州のコーディーまで
  • 宿泊:Cody Motor Lodge - http://www.irmahotel.com/html/CML_website/index01.html
  • 今日のドライブ - 677.0km 
  • 今までのドライブ - 10,310.0km

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Hiro, looks like you guys had an amazing trip.
    Those little prairie dogs are so cute, very much like our Vancouver Island Marmots!
