
Day 28: Back to Victoria - Spokane Valley, WA - Victoria, BC

Finally, we ended this trip today. This post focuses on summarizing today's trip. We will upload another post to summarize the entire trip.

  • When: October 24th (Sun)
  • Where: Spokane Valley, WA - Victoria, BC
  • Accommodation: Home!
  • Total km - 674.8km
  • Grand Total km - 12,317.9km
1. Wenatchee Natonal Forest - http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/wenatchee/
We did not even know this beautiful park until we drove by. This seemed like a good park to spend a day kayaking or hiking.

2. Seattle Premium Outlet - http://www.premiumoutlets.com/outlets/outlet.asp?id=71
First time to visit there. We (especially Kumi) spent most of our time at Coach and purchased some items for us and our family.

3. Home sweet home!
Arrived home at 9:30 p.m. to end this trip. We were so exhausted but were happy to accomplish something we did not even expect to be done in our life. Thank you for your support and warm comments/emails. We could not have done this trip without our friend's and family's help.

  • 日程:2010年10月24日(日)
  • 旅程:ワシントン州のスポケーンヴァリーからブリティッシュコロンビア州のビクトリアまで
  • 宿泊:Home!
  • 今日のドライブ - 674.8km
  • 今までのドライブ - 12,317.9km
1. ウェナッチェナショナルフォレスト


3. Home sweet home!


Day 27: The Horse Whisperer - West Yellowstone, MT - Spokane Valley, WA

Approaching the last state in US, WA today. Tomorrow, we are back in Victoria! Can't believe we have almost done a big trip!

1. Drive
We enjoyed driving in Montana. The scenery made us feel comfortable driving long distance.

  • 日程:2010年10月23日(土)
  • 旅程:モンタナ州ウェストイエローストーンからワシントン州のスポケーンヴァリーまで
  • 宿泊:Home!
  • 今日のドライブ - 733.3km
  • 今までのドライブ - 11,643.1km
1. ドライブ

Day 26: Yellowstone Day 2 - Yellowstone National Park

We left for the park early in the morning to see wildlife animals. We drove over 300km in the park (how massive it is!) and were so exhausted. We are unconsciously feeling that this trip is going to end up soon!

1. Wildlife Animals
Here are the wildlife animals we saw today:
  • Many many bisons
  • Many many elks
  • Coyote
  • Wolf (it was probably just a big coyote)
We wanted to see more animals such as grizzlies, black bears etc. But we will keep them for the next time!

2. Mammoth Terraces - http://www.nps.gov/yell/naturescience/mamterr.htm
We wished we could have seen more active terraces. Probably we saw more inactive ones than the active ones. Now, we want to see one in Turkey.

3. Lower Geyser - http://www.yellowstonenationalpark.com/lowergeyser.htm
We think that the lower geyser is as good and interesting as the upper geyser (the main one). We were happy not to skip this!
  • 沢山のバイソン(飽きるくらい)
  • 沢山のエルク
  • コヨーテ
  • 狼(ひょっとしたら単に超大きいコヨーテだったかも)




Day 25: First National Park in the World - Cody, WY - West Yellowstone, MT

Finally, we arrived at the last highlight of the trip, Yellowstone National Park. We alreayd saw Bisons and Elks. Since we have one more day to stay here, we are looking forward to seeing more wildlife animals!

  • When: October 21th (Thu)
  • Where: Cody, WY - West Yellowstone, MT
  • Accommodation: Stage Coach Inn - http://www.yellowstoneinn.com/
  • Total km - 298.5km
  • Grand Total km - 10,608.5km

1.Yellowstone National Park - http://www.nps.gov/yell/
Quite honestly, we have not done much homework before getting here. We did not even know where to see in the park and what to look for. Before getting to the east gate of the park, we got stopped because of the bisons blocking the lanes. It was first time for both of us to see the wild bisons. They are slow, big and ugly but somewhat cute! Kumi says that it must be the model of "beast" in the movie of Beauty and the Beast. If so, I guess I look like a bison because she often says I am like a beast. hahaha. After getting into the park, we realized that we would need at least 2 days to see the core part of the park. There are a lot of places to see. Especially, the geysers and pools (hot springs). Today, we decided to focus on the main part of the park, Old Faithful Geyser and its surrounding geysers and pools. Luckily, we saw the Old Faithful Geyser 3 times when we were there. Just good timing! We also enjoyed the hike around the geyser!

2. Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center - http://www.grizzlydiscoveryctr.com/
This place was not on our "to visit" list. We met a family on the way to West Yellowstone when we saw elks off the road. Then, we had a good but short chat with the grand father. He told us an interesting place called Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center where we could see grizzlies and wolves as well as interesting programmes that they offer. We did learn a lot about the grizzlies and the wolves. If you have kids, this is really a good place to visit. Your kids (if they are aged from 5 - 12) can feed bears!

  • 日程:2010年10月21日(木)
  • 旅程:ワイオミング州のコーディからモンタナ州のウェストイエローストーンまで
  • 宿泊:Stage Coach Inn - http://www.yellowstoneinn.com/
  • 今日のドライブ - 298.5km 
  • 今までのドライブ - 10,608.5km

2. グリズリー&ウォルフディスカバリーセンター


Day 24: Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Rapid City, SD - Cody, WY

We said good bye to SD and hello to WY. We have already passed/driven 8 states(NY, MI,IN,IL,WI,MI,SD,WY) since last Wednesday.

1. Devils Tower - http://www.nps.gov/deto/
If you have seen the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", you must have seen this big monument. First National Monument of the US - Devils Tower. We saw this from far far away (probably 15 miles away or so) because it was just so massive. When we got there, we decided to take 2km walk around Devils Tower. It was up and down but nice. We saw some climbers who were walking toward the bottom of Devils Tower. Yes, they were going to climb it up. Although rocks have never fallen apart since early 20th, we did not think that it would be safe to do. Simply not for us. When we left Devils Tower, we again saw "a town" of prairie dogs. They were even friendlier than the ones at Badlands. So adorable!
  • 日程:2010年10月20日(水)
  • 旅程:サウスダコタ州のラピッドフォールズからワイオミング州のコーディーまで
  • 宿泊:Cody Motor Lodge - http://www.irmahotel.com/html/CML_website/index01.html
  • 今日のドライブ - 677.0km 
  • 今までのドライブ - 10,310.0km


Day 23: South Dakota - Mitchell, SD - Rapid City, SD

Although it was a long "driving" day again today, we stopped at several good places on the way. Overall, it was a good day.

1. Corn Palace - http://cornpalace.org/
This is located in a small town called Mitchell, SD. The arts on the wall you see in the pictures are all corns. They use 12 different kinds of corns to create the arts, no paintings whatsoever. The palace has a history of over hundread years. Even during the WW2, the surface of the palace was updated every year. This palace is really loved by people in Mitchell.

2. Badlands National Park - http://www.nps.gov/badl/
It suddenly appeared in the middle of prairies. The park is quite big and takes at least 3 hours if you want to see what the park really is. We loved the mixture of rocks and prairies. Especially, it was quite interesting to see the layers on the rocks. During the drive, we saw big horn sheeps, prairie dogs (so cute!) and buffalos (too far...). Overall, it was a nice visit!

3. Wall Drug - http://walldrug.com/
They put signs a way too many and as far as 300 miles away on the highway. The main part is not really a drug store, it is more like an old US style mall that has a good theme of SD style.

4. Crazy Horse - http://www.crazyhorsememorial.org/
We went to see it because we knew it is the largetst statue in the world. But we did not know enough about it. When we got there, we had to pay $10/person which was fine. But we immediately realized that it was overpriced for people who did not know the purpose. The statue has been built purely from the admission and sales of the souvenirs. No government fund at all (they rejected potentiall $10 mil fund twice). To sum, 1. do some research about it prior to your visit. 2. If you agree with what and why they want to build that, go. If not, do not go.

5.Mt. Rushmore - http://www.nps.gov/moru/
We were not really motivated to see it because of Crazy Horse. We even knew that the faces are smaller than the face of Crazy Horse. Therefore, we decided to just see it from the highway (Some people recommended not to park there. It is just not to worth paying). The faces are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln (L to R). It was completed after 14 years of work by 400 workers. Whereas, the face of Crazy Horse took 50 years to complete.
  • 日程:2010年10月19日(火)
  • 旅程:サウスダコタ州のミッチェルからラピッドフォールズまで
  • 宿泊:Foothill Inn - http://www.thefoothillsinn.com/reservations.php
  • 今日のドライブ - 620.1km 
  • 今までのドライブ - 9,633.0km
1. コーンパレス




クレイジーホースでの失敗から、4人の大統領の彫刻で有名なマウントラッシュモアは高速から眺めるだけにすることにしました。よくテレビで見かけるこの彫刻。四人の大統領の彫像(左から右へ) ジョージ・ワシントン, トーマス・ジェファーソン, セオドア・ルーズベルト, エイブラハム・リンカーン


Day 22: Longest Drive Day - Chicago, IL - Mitchell, SD

Our initial plan was to drive to Sioux Falls, SD. It is the biggest city in SD but was not really big. Because we easily missed the highway exits. So we kept on driving until we decided to stop ourselves. As a result, we drove extra 70 - 80 miles which was great to make the next day easier!
1. Corn fields and windmills
If we summarize today concisely, it would be like as follows:
We drove close to 1,000km but all what we saw was corn fields and windmills. Everything else was just miles of flat land.
  • 日程:2010年10月18日(月)
  • 旅程:イリノイ州シカゴから、サウスダコタ州ミッチェルまで
  • 宿泊:Thunderbird Lodge - http://www.thunderbird-lodge.com/rooms.php
  • 今日のドライブ - 986.4km 
  • 今までのドライブ - 9,012.9km


Day 21: Chicago - Ann Arbor, MI - Chicago, IL

We left the Ishida family's place for the windy city Chicago after having breakfast with the family. Chicago is the 3rd biggest US city after NY and LA so the traffic was the worst during this trip! We wanted to avoid the heavy traffic again in the morning so we chose a hotel located outside of downtown. We arrived the hotel around 1:30p.m. and shortly after we took a subway to downtown. We arrived at the downtown around 2:30 p.m. and stayed there for about 4 hours. However, we enjoyed the town a lot. We took a 2 hour double-decker bus tour a that drove around all the major tourist attractions in town. Although our first option was not that (our first option was the first lady cruise tour - http://www.cruisechicago.com/), we enjoyed it a lot. We wished we have had more time there so that we could have done "hop-on and hop-off" as many as we wanted. We will save it for the next time we visit Chicago!
  • When: October 17th (Sun)
  • Where: Ann Arbor, MI - Chicago, MI
  • Accommodation: Holiday Inn Elmhurst - http://www.hielmhurst.com/index.php
  • Total km - 418.3km
  • Grand Total km - 8,026.5km
1. Hop-on and Hop-off Bus - http://www.coachusa.com/chicagotrolley/
We simply did not have time in Chicago! So we needed to do a sightseeing as efficient as possible. Here are the 2 options we had - 1. First Lady Cruise tour, 2. Hop-on Hop-off Bus tour. Although we went to the ticket booth of the First Lady Cruise, the tickets were sold-out so we chose to do the bus tour. As mentioned, the tour was a "hop-on and hop-off" style, meaning we could have hopped on and off as many times as we wanted. But again, we did not have time! We just kept on riding the bus for 2 hours. We really wished that we could have been in the city earlier so that we could have seen more of the city. But can't complain! This tour really gave us an opportunity to see and understand the city and gave us a feeling that we should come back there again to see more! Highly recommended!

2.Arts in downtown
Chicago is quite artistic. There are quite a few arts in the city that anyone can see anytime.

It's a windy city. There are many many high story buildings there. Even just fun to see them.
  • 日程:2010年10月17日(日)
  • 旅程:ミシガン州のアナーバーからイリノイ州のシカゴまで
  • 宿泊:Holiday Inn Elmhurst - http://www.hielmhurst.com/index.php
  • 今日のドライブ - 418.3km
  • 今までのドライブ - 8,026.5km

