
Day 0: Big trip starts tomorrow!

As some of you might have known, Kumi and I will start a big trip crossing Canada and US starting from tomorrow.

Here is the summary:
  • How - By my car
  • How long - 3 weeks
  • Where - start from Victoria BC, drive all the way to Quebec city then drive through US back to Victoria (About 10,000km in total)
  • Why - why not? If we do not do this now, when can we do this?
We will try to post as much as we can (hopefully once a day or two), so please visit here and post your comment!




どうやって - 愛車で
どれだけ - 3週間位
どこへ - ビクトリアを出発して、ケベックシティまで横断。その後、アメリカを横断してビクトリアへ戻る(計10,000km位)
なぜ - 今やらなければ、いつやるの?って感じの勢いで


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